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Nisarg Organic Harde Powder


Harde or Terminalia Chebula, is a powerful fruit powder that can help to remove toxins and undigested materials from the body as a mild laxative and aid digestion. It also helps to promote general health, as well as providing support to the eyes, brain, throat, intestine, skin, liver, spleen and urinary tract. In addition, Harde fruit powder may benefit health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, inflammation and stomach disorders.

Nisarg Organic Papaya Leaf Powder


Papaya leaf powder and extracts are sold as dietary supplements to help improve your immune system and increase platelet counts. Lab studies have shown that papaya leaf extracts possess antibacterial properties, while a few clinical trials have documented the benefits of papaya leaf extract in treating dengue fever and increasing platelet counts. In addition, papaya leaf extract has been shown to help improve your liver functioning, with its healing properties having the potential to cure chronic liver diseases such as jaundice, cirrhosis, and even cancer. Not only does papaya leaf extract naturally detoxify the liver, but it also cleanses the system of toxins, leading to a significant increase in platelet and red blood cell counts in the test group as compared to the control group. Try out papaya leaf extract today and reap the benefits of its healing properties!

Nisarg Organic Sabja Seeds

  • Helpful For Weight Loss
  • Maintains Body Heat
  • Controls Sugar Levels
  • Relieves Acidity
  • Improves Skin Health
  • Very Helpful for Hair Growth
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