100% PURE CARB/ 3rd PARTY LAB-TESTED: AS-IT-IS Pure Carb is a dietary supplement made from 100% maltodextrin, which a polysaccharide (number of simple sugars connected together) produced from non-GMO corn. The pure carb is produced from the enzymatic hydrolysis of corn starch followed by purification and spray drying. The resulting white powder is of high purity, free of soy, dairy, yeast, flavour or any other additives and has been 3rd party lab-tested for assurance on the same.
MALTODEXTRIN IS A GREAT CARB SOURCE: Maltodextrin holds an upper hand when compared to other carb sources because of its glycemic index (GI- the measure of how quickly a food source raises blood sugar and hence insulin levels). While monosaccharides like fructose, sucrose and dextrose are good sources of carbs, their glycemic rate is less than that of maltodextrin, which means they may not be digested quickly and does not raise insulin levels to any great degree.
HELP REPLENISH GLYCOGEN STORES: In the recovery mode, your body tries to replace the carbohydrates that have been depleted or used up. Consumption of high GI foods like maltodextrin during this period helps to replenish muscles glycogen stores quickly. The pure carb will result in a quick energy boost and ideal level of insulin boost to maximize the uptake of nutrients from the bloodstream into the muscle cells. With the extra boost of energy, maltodextrin helps to improve endurance.