GARCINIA + TRIPHALA + GREEN TEA: The unique blend of these herbal ingredients boost metabolism naturally which in turn helps burn fat faster, thus helping you achieve your weight loss goal faster.
CONTROLS APPETITE WITH FENUGREEK: Methi (or Fenugreek) seeds are rich in multi-vitamins and digestive minerals. They keep you satiated after a good meal which then reduces your calorie intake, making your body use the excess stored fat, for calorie burning.
FSSAI APPROVED AND NON-GMO: So that you are sure of the purity, quality and authenticity of what you put in your mouth. So, your mind can focus to lose weight, and not worrying about anything else. ★ NON-GMO ★ Tested for Heavy Metals ★ Made in India ★ No chemicals ★ No preservatives ★ Approved by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).