We’ve all been there; laying in bed at night, tossing and turning trying to distract ourselves from our grumbling stomachs. Let’s look at some healthy alternatives to the chips, cookies, chocolates we usually prefer.
Dark Chocolate is a healthier option to sweet or milk chocolate with lower caloric count. Chocolate also leads to release of endorphins which is a feel good hormone.
Popcorn is a very healthy option as it is low on calories at the time it is very filling.
Fresh vegetable sticks with yoghurt dip are a very nutritious, filling snack to curb those midnight cravings. You can use carrots, cucumbers, celery.
Fresh fruits like bananas, berries, apples can be used to satisfy your hunger. You can also freeze the cut slices fruit to make cold cuts and give your fruits a crunch.
Cereal with low fat milk will keep you full throughout the night as it has a fiber, protein, mineral content.
Baked chips can be made by simply cutting vegetables like sweet potato, zucchini etc. of your choice, simply drizzling them with oil and seasoning and baking them in the oven.
Now, you have healthy alternative to curb those midnight hunger pangs. Stay connected, and be the cause of a healthy INDIA…
Happy eating!!!
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